Business process management

Business process management from Daro Exclusive

Business process management
Organizational process management

Business Process Management is a systematic approach to management aimed at improving the performance of a business and its processes. We will define the processes of the organization, organize their implementation, as well as improve the quality of both the result of the processes and the order of execution.

A business process is a set of logically interrelated actions or tasks, the execution of which leads to the expected result. Therefore, almost all processes of the organization can be attributed to business processes.

We use the following approaches to business process management:

  • Comprehensive, understandable and documented standardization of processes, including the creation of a set of standardized processes and the ability to customize them for changing conditions;


  • Continuous improvement of processes, including daily monitoring, measurement, analysis and change of processes;


  • The use of information technology and software, including the modeling of business processes, the use of CASE tools, process automation and optimization based on information technology.

  • Business Optimization
  • Improved profit flow
  • Business expansion
  • Improving quality
  • Business plan implementation
  • Reduction of losses
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